June 3, 2009
7:00 PM
1130 Main Street
Holden Senior Center
Members Present: Matt Kennedy, Michael Scott, Robert Lowell, Anthony Costello, and Ken Strom
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: Pamela Harding, Teresa McIntyre
Others: D. Faise, J. Piascik, T. Piascik, V. Sanchez, C. Peterson, A. Dover, and D. Getman
The meeting began at 7:00 PM.
NOTICE OF INTENT - Winterberry Hollow - The applicant asked for a continuance until the August 5th meeting.
NOTICE OF INTENT - 2311 Main Street - Septic System - C. Peterson, representing Heritage Design Group, presented her proposal for replacing the failed septic system. The tank is to be placed 55' from an intermittent stream located at the front of the property. The leach field will be located in the rear of the home outside the buffer zone.
K. Strom arrived at 7:06 pm.
There was some discussion as to the location of the well and the type of machinery that is going to be used. There were no questions from the public. With no further discussion, A. Costello made a motion to issue a Negative Determination of Applicability with the condition that it be constructed as shown on the plans. R. Lowell seconded the motion.
NOTICE OF INTENT - 26 Steele Street - J. Piascik, the applicant, presented her proposal that would demolish the current residence on the property and rebuild a single family home. The new home is partially in the 100' buffer zone. R. Lowell inquired about the turn-around located in the rear of the property. He would like to see a restoration plan for this area. K. Strom addressed the fill that was located in the bordering vegetated wetland. The current owner had removed some of the fill, but not a sufficient amount. He requested that this fill be removed and also removed from the abutter's property, as well. The abutter, V. Sanchez was present, and gave the applicant permission to remove the fill from his property.
The floor was opened to the public for questions or comments. A. Dover, an abutter, voiced concern over whether the trees in the rear of the property were going to be disturbed.
With no further questions or concerns, M. Scott made a motion to close the hearing. R. Lowell seconded the motion. All were in favor. R. Lowell then made a motion to issue an Order of Conditions with the following provisions 1) That a planting plan must be submitted for the restoration of the 25 foot buffer area and wetland area. Plantings should reflect suitable species recommended by the report submitted from Eco-Tec. 2) The recent fill located between flags A7-A10 must be removed at a depth of 6-12 inches. Abutter must give permission for owner to remove fill that extends onto abutter's property. 3) The Commission has given the owner permission to move the location of the proposed dwelling several feet to the south of the submitted plan. New location is still within the specified setbacks. M. Scott seconded the motion. All were in favor.
INFORMAL PRESENTATION - Lots 1 & 2 - Arizona Avenue - D. Faist, representing the applicant, presented a proposal to combine Lots 1 & 2 into one parcel and to build a single-family residence. The applicant wanted to present the plan for the Commission's review prior to submitting a new Notice of Intent. M. Kennedy inquired about the replication areas and stated that he would like to see some compensation for the long-term impact on the wetlands.
ENFORCEMENT ORDER - 96 Malden Street - The Commission reviewed the report written by Eco-Tec. K. Strom commented on Item #2, regarding the size of stones that need to be replaced in the 25-foot no-disturb area. He suggested that they should be of significant size - at least 3 ft in diameter. After some discussion, the Commission agreed that P. McManus, the person responsible for the report, should inspect the work upon completion. There was further discussion regarding the time frame for completing the restoration. The Commission concluded that it would not collect the fine if all work were completed by October of 2009. These decisions will be incorporated into the existing order.
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION - Twinbrook/Salisbury - DEP File #183-411 - P. Harding completed a site inspection. She noted that there was no 25-foot no disturb zone delineation. She also observed that trees were cut to clean up storm damage in the wetland area. There is also what appears to be an excavation for a walkway. K. Strom will review. Applicant must clear all debris before Certificate of Completion is given.
CONSERVATION RESTRICTION - Camp Kinneywood Property - Camp Kinneywood was awarded a grant through the Greater Worcester Land Trust. The Conservation Commission will act as grant holder along with The White Oak Land Conservation Society. The White Oak Land Conservation Society will monitor the work. A. Costello made a motion to accept the Conservation Restriction. K. Strom seconded the motion. All were in favor.
UNIONVILLE DAM REPAIR - D. Getman, representing DCR, presented his position that DCR should be exempted from submitting a Notice of Intent to proceed with maintenance work on the bridge. Following his presentation, there was much discussion regarding erosion control, slope stabilization, and whether the work could be done under the current Notice of Intent. With no further questions, M. Scott made a motion to issue approval to do work under the initial Notice of Intent and issue an extension, if necessary. If the current Notice of Intent has expired, then an Emergency Certification can be issued. Robert Lowell seconded the motion. All were in favor.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES - R. Lowell made a motion to accept the Minutes of May 6, 2009. A. Costello seconded the motion. All were in favor.
A. Costello made a motion to adjourn. R. Lowell seconded the motion. All were in favor.
The meeting adjourned at 8:25 PM.
The next meeting is scheduled for July 1, 2009.
June 3, 2009 Minutes were approved August 5, 2009.
Teresa McIntyre